Global config
GRGate global config reference
The main configuration file can be passed to the CLI via the --config
argument, by default it will try to read from /etc/grgate/config.yaml
# global configuration, this is the default
# enable GRGate, if set to false release are not published
enabled: true
# filter release by tag, the tag associated to the draft/unpublished releases
# must match the regular expression defined by tagRegexp, default: .*
tagRegexp: ".*"
# list of statuses required to get releases merged, default: []
- e2e happy flow
# display issue dashboard, GRGate create an issue in the repository and
# provide feedback when mis-configuration or other issues are detected
enabled: true
author: GRGate[bot]
title: GRGate dashboard
template: |-
GRGate is {{ if .Enabled }}enabled
{{- else }}disabled{{ end }} for this repository.
{{- if .Errors }}
Incorrect configuration detected with the following error(s):
{{- range .Errors }}
- {{ . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
# append statuses to release note
enabled: true
template: |-
{{- .ReleaseNote -}}
<!-- GRGate start -->
<details><summary>Status check</summary>
{{ range .Statuses }}
- [{{ if or (eq .Status "completed" ) (eq .Status "success") }}x{{ else }} {{ end }}] {{ .Name }}
{{- end }}
<!-- GRGate end -->
# server configuration (webhook)
# webhook should be sent to /<provider>/webhook, where provider is either
# github or gitlab
webhookSecret: a-random-string
# number of workers to run, default: 1
workers: 1
# platform to use
platform: github # github|gitlab, default: github
# GitHub configuration
# when creating the GitHub App, make sure to set the following permissions:
# A. for self-hosting, the following permissions are required to process
# repositories through webhook events:
# - Checks read-only
# - Contents read/write
# - Issues read/write
# - Metadata read-only
# - Commit statuses read-only
# and subscribe to the following webhook events:
# - Check runs
# - Check suites
# - Releases
# - Statuses
# B. when using the cli, additional permissions are required to interact with
# checks and commit statuses:
# - Checks read/write
# - Contents read/write
# - Metadata read-only
# - Commit statuses read/write
appID: 000000
installationID: 00000000
privateKeyPath: path-to-key.pem
# GitLab configuration
# when creating the Gitlab token, make sure to set the following permissions:
# - read_repository
# subscribe to the following webhook events:
# - Release events
# - Pipeline events
token: gitlab-token
# configuration can be overriden in the repository itself, you can define the
# default path below, default: .grgate.yaml
repoConfigPath: .grgate.yaml
logLevel: info # trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic, default: info
logFormat: json # json|pretty, default: pretty