

GRGate is a CLI which can run a server and listen to Git webhook. When a release is published as draft, GRGate wait for all status checks attached to the commit target of the release to succeed before merging it.

The list of required statuses to succeed is defined in a .grgate.yaml config file stored at the root of the repository.

The following diagram represent a concret example where a CI/CD process generate/publish versionned artifacts and generate a draft release. Artifacts are then deployed by a third party to different environments running with different config. End-to-end tests are then run against these 2 environments and reports result to the draft release as commit status. When all tests pass, GRGate publish the GitHub release.

GRGate Overview
GRGate overview

GRGate integration in a GitOps environment

Below is another example of using GRGate in a GitOps environment. Change to master trigger a CI/CD job which automatically generate a draft release and build a container. From there, if all containers pass a set of end-to-end or integration tests, the release get published which trigger a deployment of the containers to production.

GRGate in your GitOps environment
GRGate in your GitOps environment

Checkout this GRGate example for more details about the implementation.

Append commit statuses to release notes

GRGate can update existing release notes with the current state of the release. Meaning, the release note will be updated with the list of commit status and their state. When all status succeeded, the release is published.

GRGate release notes
GRGate release notes

Issue dashboard

GRGate create an issue in the repository which is used as dashboard. It provides feedback to the user when there is mis-configuration detected.

GRGate issue dashboard
GRGate issue dashboard