Use cases

Using GRGate with Docker labels and Kubernetes

Docker labels can be used to gather information about running container and which repository and commit sha is attached to them. With this information, it is possible to provide back the state of the end-to-end tests via commit status. When all tests are successful, GRGate will automatically publish the release.

    participant Github repository application
    participant Container registry
    participant Kubernetes
    participant GRGate

    Github repository application -->> Container registry: build and publish Docker image
    Github repository application -->> Github repository application: create draft release
    Container registry -->> Kubernetes: deploy application in namespace
    rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
      note over Kubernetes: run e2e tests
    loop each deployment in namespace
      Kubernetes ->> Kubernetes: read container labels
      Kubernetes ->> Github repository application: set commit status using GRGate CLI
    Github repository application -->> GRGate: webhook events
    GRGate -->> Github repository application: publish release

The steps below describe how to do it for a single container:

  1. build an app using Docker and attach metadata information to the image
  2. create a draft release
  3. image is pushed to a container registry which trigger a deployment of the container to a specific environment
  4. integration tests are run against the environment
  5. when it succeeds, update the commit status attached from the repository
  6. GRGate publish the release

In practice, let’s say we have an app built with Docker, we embed the repository and commit sha for reference later on:

FROM alpine

LABEL repository="my-organization/my-repository"
LABEL commitSha="abcd1234"

The repository would have a .grgate.yaml config located in the root of the repository:

  - e2e happy flow

After the image is built some task could automatically generate a draft release and after the app is deployed to an environment, a system can run integration tests against the image and when the tests succeeded and based on the previously defined labels, we can use the grgate cli to update the commit statuses as follow:

repository=$(docker inspect my-app --format='{{.Config.Labels.repository}}')
commitSha=$(docker inspect my-app --format='{{.Config.Labels.commitSha}}')

grgate status set "$repository" \
  --commit "$commitSha" \
  --name "e2e happy flow" \
  --status completed \
  --state success

From there, if GRGate is listening to webhook, then the draft release will be published.